H-IPC Organization works tirelessly to provide quality, long-term solutions for a number of pressing issues affecting our community. Our most significant causes are those that are often brushed aside by most. Our battle is against indifference, and we would love for you to become part of that change today.
Housing the Homeless
“Life takes you unexpected places, love brings you home.”
One of our goals is to ensure that every Filipino family has a roof above their heads, a warm bed whenever a storm comes, and a place where you could find peace and where you can keep your family safe.
Feeding Children
"Love can fill an empty stomach."
For many underprivileged Filipino children, food isn't a basic right, but a luxury that their families can't afford. Help us nourish the children by keeping them inside a Nutrition Program within a span of time. This will help us monitor their nutritional needs and by this, we will have a strong, smart and healthy generation in the future to come.
Escaping Poverty
"Don't teach the poor to fight poverty,
teach them to escape it."
One of our main causes here at H IPC Organization is helping people escape poverty, an issue that touches many lives, particularly those who lives in a highly depressed area. Help us help them not by just spoon feeding them, but by teaching them how to start a livelihood and providing them all the necessary tools, knowledge and a good heart to begin their journey and escape the chains of poverty.
Marawi Needs our Help
73,000 displaced people
125,000 affected children
300,000 people in need